San Diego Professional Editors Network (SD/PEN), established in 1986, is an association of people who earn a living as editors, writers, proofreaders, indexers, and other word experts for all media, including books, periodicals, newsletters, brochures, websites, mobile apps, and other types of publications and digital platforms.

Our mission

To support and develop top-notch editors and to promote their services to writers, publishers, businesses, and others whose success depends on effective communication.


In 1986, the founding members of SD/PEN—Jackie Estrada, Julie Olfe, and Kittie Kerr Kuhns—bonded together to launch a small networking organization for professional editors.

Member involvement in SD/PEN

SD/PEN is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, originally founded in 1986, that is led by a volunteer board of directors. Members also have the opportunity to serve in other volunteer roles, such as on special event and workshop committees, as presenters or panelists at program meetings, and as contributors to the bimonthly newsletter, HapPENings.

Additional information

If you have questions or comments about SD/PEN or this website, please contact us.