By Melanie Astaire Witt

Motivation 101

Afternoon has you feeling sluggish and finding yourself slowing down? Late night deadline and you need to wake up your brain?

Before you reach for another shot of caffeine, try a tuna fish sandwich or some tuna and crackers. The omega-3 fats will give your brain the biggest boost for your buck. Throw in a few stretches and a little walkabout and you’ll not only be able to stay awake, you’ll be mentally sharper and more accurate while slicing and dicing your client’s project.

Feeling isolated in your work and a little down in the dumps? . . .

We are pleased to have San Diego Professional Editors Network member Melanie Astaire Witt writing a new column for DELETE, our bimonthly newsletter for members. In Editorial Tutorials, Melanie will address questions and ideas related to editing, writing, marketing, and business management skills.

We invite you to become a member of SD/PEN, which for over 30 years has supported editors, writers, publishers, businesses, and others whose success depends on effective communication. And once you’re a member, go to the March 2019 newsletter to enjoy the rest of Melanie’s new column. Then stay tuned for her May column, where she’ll discuss contracts.

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